
Tuesday 6 August 2019

the most hard writing challenge

:if you see this writing and think what is this writing well this was a challenge we only had five minutes to write this and at the end of this writing is not finished because the time ended before i could finish so enjoy.

in this photo you can see that there is two animals a cat stuck on a rock and a big elephant looks like it n a tree by a lake that the cat is stuck on the elephant is trying to safe the cat by putting the trunk out and making the cat cat reach for it and the the cat was still stuck on the rock in the lake so the elephant put the trunk even further out into the river so the cat can get the trunk and go to safety the cat is to scared to reach for the trunk so the cat stood there waiting for the elephant to put the trunk even further to the cat lucky the cat can jump and reach for the trunk so he cat will survive the lake and not fall into the lake the cat jumped onto the elephant.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Suade,
    I like in your writing that you said the elephant reached the cat. I think even if you had five minutes you still did a great job. Do you know how many words there were? Well if you do cool
    From Angelica
